Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Muslim Diary A Daily Guide To Worship

The Muslim Diary
A Daily Guide To Worship


Al-Ansâriyah Publications
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 55 | Size: 1 MB
In these times of hastening and being busy, of ‘no time’ and ‘o, I forgot,’ we want to give ourselves a guide to help us in our worship through each day. The Muslim Diary contains a practical list on which you can mark the acts of worship and good deeds you did that day. The list is a selection of the most recommended acts of ‘ibadah [worship] in a schedule with all week days. All the deeds are being explained in an easy but powerful way through Qur’anic verses and Ahadith.   How to use The Muslim Diary. You can use the diary to strive to start practising all the mentioned points. There are many more things you can do, but The Muslim Diary is just a guide for a few very useful acts which carry great rewards. You can also use The Muslim Diary as a tool to improve yourself. What did I do last month? What can I do this month to make it better? Possible ‘shortcomings’ will be visible this way. The name ‘diary’ already says it and this is how you should treat it. Make sure it becomes something personal and show it to nobody else. All the acts being ticked or coloured are between you and Allah the Most High.   Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin al-Khattab [ra] said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah [saw] saying: Actions are only by intentions, and every man has only that which he intended. Whoever’s emigration is for Allah and His Messenger then his emigration is for Allah and His Messenger. Whoever’s emigration is for some worldly gain which he can acquire or a woman he will marry then his emigration is for that for which he emigrated.” [Bukhari, Muslim]   That is why we should keep trying to make our intentions pure and sincere. For any deed to be accepted by Allah, the Most High, must be done for Allah the Glorious, the Most High alone and it must be done the way Allah, the Exalted and His Prophet Muhammad [saw] legislated.   We ask Allah the Glorious, the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and sublime Attributes to accept this as being done sincerely for His Face alone. May those who read it and those who have had any role in distributing it or supported in publishing it, greatly benefit from it. Surely He, glory is to Him, is Capable of all things.
x Publisher’s Preface …………… 8
x Virtues of the Remembrance Of Allah [swt] …………… 11
*1 – The mandatory prayers …………… 18
*2 – The Sunnah prayers …………… 19
*3 – Siwaak …………… 23
*4 – 33x33x33x …………… 24
*5 – Ayat ul-Qursi …………… 25
*6 – 1x Surah al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq, An-Naas …………… 27
*7 – Stay in the Masjid after Salah al-Fajr …………… 30
*8 – Salah ad-Duha …………… 30
*9 – Qiyam al-layl and Witr Salah …………… 32
*10 – Read Qur’an …………… 34
*11 – Da’wah …………… 36
*12 – Seek knowledge …………… 37
*13 – 100x Ask Allah for forgiveness …………… 38
*14 – 100x Subhan Allah …………… 39
*15 – 100x Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi …………… 39
*16 – 100x La ilaha illallahu, wah’dahu …………… 40
*17 – 3x Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Naas ……………. 41
*18 – 7x Hasbiyallahu… …………… 41
*19 – 4x Allahumma inni …………… 42
*20 – 1x Allahumma ma asbah’a …………… 43
*21 – 3x Radeetu billahi Rabban …………… 44
*22 – 10x ask blessings for the Prophet [saw] …………… 45
*23 – Dua’ against shirk …………… 45
*24 – 3x Paradise. 3x Hell …………… 46
*25 – Before sleeping 33x33x34x …………… 46
*26 – Sadaqah …………… 46
*27 – Fasting …………… 47
x Be constant & steadfast …………… 49
x In the end …………… 51
x Valuable advice …………… 51


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