Concearning Taraweeh
By Shaykh Ibn Baaz
….due to a lack of understanding of what is permissible in the
Taraweeh and what is not, the prayer may even become a matter of
tension; differences become apparent and views are expressed. Personal
ideologies start to interfere with the general benefit of the people,
and thus, the whole purpose of the prayer is destroyed.
So we deemed it to be in best interest to publish this small but
extremely beneficial treatise, as a series of fataawah by our late
beloved sheikh, Sheikh Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz, may Allah raise him amongst
the prophets and righteous. This treatise clearly demonstrates his
wisdom in dealing with affairs which may be points of dispute in the
Taraaweeh. He sheds light upon many issues in respect to their
permissibility, and one may even find that some issues have much more
flexibility than is perceived.
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