Wednesday, 20 June 2012

ગુજરાતી કુરાન

ગુજરાતી કુરાન 


ગુજરાતી કુરાન 

 Remove due to following message from brother -  
Jazak Allāh (جزاك اللهُ‎)
Aslamualikum : "Urgent" : Kindly please remove "Gujarati Quran sharif" because this gujarati version was originally published by "Gulam Ahmed Qadiyani" of qadiani firqa. You can read it on "Page :2 - last paragraph. There might be chances that they have changed the original Quran sharif. So remove it as fast as you can. Thank you, Allah hafiz.

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  1. Aslamualikum : "Urgent" : Kindly please remove "Gujarati Quran sharif" because this gujarati version was originally published by "Gulam Ahmed Qadiyani" of qadiani firqa.
    You can read it on "Page :2 - last paragraph.
    There might be chances that they have changed the original Quran sharif.
    So remove it as fast as you can.
    Thank you,
    Allah hafiz.

  2. Aslamualikum : "Gujarati Quran Sharif" ka yeh version "Gulam Ahmed Qadiyani" - qadiani firqa walo ne translate kiya hai, isley translation galat hone ki gunzaish hai , ilsey Please remove kar do isse jitna ho sake itna jaldi.

    Allah hafiz.
