Way To The
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My aim in writing this book is very modest. This is not a work of
erudite scholarship. I am no learned mufassir, nor am I writing for
scholars. I am not presuming to teach and guide, for I have no
pretensions to that office. I am writing for those ordinary, inexpert
and unlearned seekers after the Qur’an, especially the young men and
women, who are struggling hard to fulfil their desire to understand,
absorb and live the Qur’an, as I am doing myself. I am writing for
students about things which I am learning myself. In this book, then, I
write as one wayfarer to another, trying to share with him whatever I
have found and grasped as useful as I have stumbled, with all my
deficiencies, along the easy and rewarding road to and through the
Qur’an. I am sure that they, with their greater sincerity, devotion and
competence, will improve greatly upon what I have presented here.This
book is the product of a long and still-continuing search. Its contents
have been gathered over many years of reading. The beginning of this
book goes back more than three decades when I had just begun my own
struggle to live by the Qur’an, and when I was given the duty of
explaining how to study the Qur’an to a group of similarly committed
young students. Most of what I said then, I owed to a small number of
sources: Hamiduddin Farahi’s Tafdsari Fardhi; Sayyid Mawdudi’s Tafhimul
Qur’an; Amin Ahsan Islahi’s Tadabburi Qur’an; al-Ghazali’s lhya’ ‘Ulum
al-Din; Shah Waliullah’s Hujjah-Allah al-Balighah and al-Fawz al-Kabir
fi Usul al-Tafsir, and Suyuti’s al-Itqan fi ‘Ulum al-Qur’an. For all
that this book contains, I continue to owe a debt of gratitude to them.
And whilst I would like to acknowledge this, I must also point out that
none of these authors are responsible for my own errors of understanding
and presentation. The first opportunity to put my thoughts in writing
arose in 1977 when I wrote a short introduction to Yusuf Ali’s
translation of the Qur’an published by the Islamic Foundation ‘The Way
to the Qur’an’.
The Journey of Life
Basic Prerequisites
Participation of the Inner Self
Rules of Reading
Study and Understanding
Collective Study
Living the Qur’an
APPENDIX 1 : Prophets Readings
Suggested Syllabus Study
Appendix 3 : Aids to Study
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