Saturday, 23 February 2013

Strengthening Of The Faith

Strengthening Of The Faith

Dar-us-salam Publications
Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 80 | Size: 1 MB

Strengthening Of The Faith: The author refers to the Quranic verses and Ahadith by interpreting them in a very simple and comprehensible style, and also brings to light the true status of all the unlawful customs and rituals which are commonly practiced in the society and are detrimental to the faith of Tauhid. Tauhid (Oneness of Allah) is the basis of the Islamic religion.


Chapter One
Description of Tauhid

- People’s unawareness
- The acts leading to polytheism
- Those who profess to have Faith in Allah while their actions reeking of polytheism
- The verdict of Qur’an
- None but Allah is the Capable
- None is the supporter other than Allah
- None is the sustainer other than Allah
- The reality of Shirk

Chapter Two
Categories and aspects of Shirk

- Shirk in knowledge
- Shirk in disposing
- Shirk in worship
- Chapter Three
- The Vices of Polytheism
- The Virtues of Monotheism
- The polytheism cannot be forgiven
- Explaining Shirk
- Shirk, the greatest of all vices
- Tauhid is the only way out
- Allah is disgusted with Shirk
- Affirming the Oneness of Allah prior to the dawn of time itself
- Shirk cannot be presented as an authority
- The excuse of forgetfulness shall not be accepted
- The basic teachings of the Prophets and the Scriptures
- Tauhid and forgiveness

Chapter Three
The Vices of Polytheism

The Virtues of Monotheism
16. The polytheism cannot be forgiven
17. Explaining Shirk
18. Shirk, the greatest of all vices
19. Tauhid is the only way out
20. Allah is disgusted with Shirk
21. Affirming the Oneness of Allah prior to the dawn of time itself
22. Shirk cannot be presented as an authority
23. The excuse of forgetfulness shall not be accepted
24. The basic teachings of the Prophets and the Scriptures
25. Tauhid and forgiveness

Chapter Four
The negation of Shirk in knowledge

- Only Allah possess the knowledge of Ghaib
- The one who claims to have the knowledge of Ghaib, is a liar
- The matters of Ghaib
- Do not call upon anyone but Allah
- Allah Alone, possesses the power of benefit and inflicting harm
- The original assignment of the Prophets
- The Prophets do not have the knowledge of unseen
- The saying of the Prophet {Peace be upon Him} regarding the knowledge of the unseen
- The saying of Aisha{Peace be upon Her}

Chapter Five
The Negation of Shirk in Authority

- Allah is the One Who causes benefit and inflicts harm
- None is the sustainer except Allah
- Invoke none but Allah
- No intercession without His Permission
- Types of intercession
- An intercession due to one’s high-ranking status is not possible
- Acceptance of one’s intercession out of love is not possible
- Interceding with permission
- The Straight Path
- Allah is the Nearest to all
- Trust in Allah Alone
- Relationship does not benefit

Chapter Six
Prohibition of Shirk in Worship

- Worship is meant for Allah Alone
- Prostration is for Allah only
- It is an act of Shirk to call upon other than Allah
- The holy sanctuaries must be respected
- Anything dedicated to an entity other than Allah is forbidden
- Authority and command is only for Allah
- Giving someone false names is an act of Shirk
- So-called customs are acts of Shirk
- Keeping people stand up in one’s honor is prohibited
- Worshipping idols and the so-called “sanctums of saints” is an act of Shirk
- Slaughtering an animal in a name other than that of Allah is a curse
- Indications heralding the advent of Doomsday
- Worshipping the places of saints is an act of the worst people
- Performing Tawaf of the idols

Chapter Seven
Prohibition of Shirk in Social Customs

- The whispering of Satan
- Polytheistic rituals in regard to the soliciting of children
- Polytheistic rituals in agriculture
- Polytheistic rituals in regard to the cattle
- Slandering Allah in the matters of lawful and forbidden things
- Giving credit to the influence of planets is an act of Shirk
- The astrologers are magicians and the magicians are Disbelievers
- The sin of believing in astrology
- Deducing an omen is an act of disbelief
- Do not make Allah an Intercessor
- The dearest names to Allah
- Kunya with the Name of Allah must be avoided
- Only say MashaAllah
- Taking an oath in the name of anyone other than Allah is an act of Shirk
- The verdict of the Prophet {peace be upon Him} about observing vows
- Prostration to Allah and paying due respect to a Messenger
- It is not permissible to call someone one’s slave
- An excellent example to pay respect to the Prophet {Peace be upon Him}
- The word Saiyid carries two meanings
- Sayings of the Prophet {Peace be upon Him} in regard to the pictures
- The five major sins
- The statement of the Prophet {Peace be upon Him}about himself

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