عشرہ مببشراہ
Urdu: Ashrah Mubbashrah

Ashrah Mubbashrah. Biography of the 10 Sahabah who were given the glad
tidings of paradise in this life. Ten companions (Sahabah) of the
Prophet (Pbuh) have been selected for special privilege and they are
collectively known as "Ashrah Mubasharah". The Prophet had proclaimed
that they would definitely enter Paradise (Jannah) because Allah has
accepted their outstanding and noteworthy services for the cause of
The "Chosen Ten" included Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, Usman, Ali ibn
Abu Talib, S'ad ibn Abu Waqqas, Talha ibn Obaidullah, Abd-ur-Rehman ibn
Auf, Zubair ibn Awwam, Saeed ibn Zaid and Abu Obaida ibn Jarrah.
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