Wednesday, 5 June 2013

[Al-Uboodiyah] Being A True Slave Of Allah (SWT)

Being A True
Slave Of Allah (SWT)

Ibn Taymiyyah

Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 82 | Size: 1 MB

Part Two of the Towards Islamic Psychology series, (Part 1: Patience and Gratitude), is a planned series of books which, drawing on the Islamic scholarly heritage, will offer practical advice rooted in the Qur’an and Sunnah, to address many psychological woes of our modern age. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah defines the concept of worship in Islam and explains that to be a true “slave of Allah” is a status of both virtue and nobility. The title “slave of Allaah” is one of great honor which Allah bestowed upon the best of creation, Muhammad (SAW). Ibn Taymiyyah  highlights the prevalent traps which people fall into, when becoming enslaved by, or allowing their hearts to become attached to worldly objects. The emphasis is on servitude to Allah which is adorned with the true love we hold for Him in our hearts — a matter of central importance for every Muslim.
Highly Recommended for the young blooded who Want to Run before they can Walk and even the Old timers ‘Who sometimes are  so comfortable Walking that they have forgotten that there is sometimes a need to run’ in the Path Towards Allah.
1. Preface
2. Ibn Taymiyah
3. Definition of worship, its branches, and it’s aspects
4. The call of the Prophets to worship Allah (AWJ)
5. None has the right to be worshiped but Allah (SWT)
6. Describing ‘Ibaad-u-Ar-Rahmaan with Al-’Uboodiyah
7. Describing the best of His (AWJ) creatures
8. Describing the Angels with Al- ‘UboodiYah
9. Describing the Prophets with Al-’Uboodiyah
10. Attributing Al-’Uboodiyah to the Prophet (SAAWS) in his most perfect states
11. Ad-Deen: Islaam, Eemaan, & Ihsaan
12. Ad-Deen includes submission and humility
13. The Levels of Love
14. The love for Allah (SWT) and Ar-Rasool (SAAWS) should override any other love.
15. The rights due to Allah (AWJ) and to His Rasool (SAAWS)
16. Allah (AWJ) is Sufficient for the Sufficient
17. All the creatures are Ibaad of Allah
18. Knowing the Truth
19. The ‘Uboodiyah that is due to the Lordship of Allah (AWJ)
20. The reality of Al-’Uboodiyah
21. Iblees and the Hell-dwellers admit the universal truth.
22. The difference between the universal truth and the religious truth
23. Al-’lbaadah which pleases Allah (SWT)
24. Concerning the Divine Decree and Measure
25. Misconception and error of Fatalism
26. Al-Qadar which we were ordered to be patient with
27. The argument between Adam and Musa (SAAWS)
28. What should the sinful do?
29. CHAPTER II: The Duty of Enjoining Right Conduct
30. The pious and the wrong-doers shall not be treated equally.
31. Parables from Allah (AWJ)
32. Distinction between the people of righteousness and people of falsehood
33. The most horrifying Kufr
34. The Reality of Al-’lbaadah and the obedience
35. The Kufr of those who believe in the incarnation
36. There can be no argument in using Al-Qadar to contradict Ash-Sharee’ah
37. Using the universal truth as an excuse is not but following the whims and desires
38. Man freely chooses his own deeds and the legislated commandment cannot be forfeited
39. Commanding and forbidding is not only imposed on the unenlightened people
40. Commanding good & forbiding evil shall not be forfeited until death
41. Making Bid’ah and/or using Al-Qadar as argument is resemblence to All-Mushrikeen
42. Legalizing the forbidden and blindly following the forefather.
43. The things that Allah (SWT) has forbidden are the blatant sins
44. Reality is not what man states and feels
45. The swcetness of Al-Eemaan
46. Following the lusts and desires is nothing but taking rivals to Allah (AWJ)
47. The absolute love is common amongst the believers and non-believers
48. The commanded means are aspects of Al-’lbaadah
49. The reliance on Allah (AWJ) is associated with Al-’Ibaadah
50. The presumption due to the extra-ordinary occurrences
51. Holding fast to As-Sunnah is a salvation
52. Allah (AWJ) disgraces Al-Bida’
53. The most devoted and proper deed
54. Adding other commands to Al-’lbaadah
55. Al-lhsann Wa Al-Munkar – Beneficient deed and reprehensible deed
56. The meaning of a term varies depending on it being separate or being in conjunction
57. Making explicit and unclear generality
58. Distinguishing As-Salaat because of its distinguishable qualification in the ‘Ibaadah
59. Parts of Al-’lbaadah are specifically mentioned to be sought for its own qualifications
60. The perfection of the created one is his realization of Al-’Uboodiyah for Allah Ta’aala
61. ‘Eesa (Jesus SAAWS) was no more than a ‘Abd
62. “Surely those who are near to your Lord are never too proud to worship Him (SWT)”
63. Those who scorn My ‘Ibaadah will surely enter Hell in humiliation
64. Describing thc best of the creation with Al-’Ibaadah
65. The call of the Messenger to worship Allah (AWJ)
66. Everyone of the Messengers opened his Da’wah with the call to worship Allah (AWJ)
67. Defining the chosen guided ‘Ibaad of Allah (AWJ)
68. Describing those whom He (SWT) has selected amongst His creation with Al-’Uboodiyah
69. ‘Abd is an attrlbute of honor for all the Prophets
70. Ascribing Al-’Uboodiyah to the Seal of the Prophets

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